MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Designing Your Life July 21, 2022

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” - Henry Ford

Sometimes we get in the habit of simply continuing on our way without thinking that it is good to discover something new. We don’t engage people in conversation so we can learn more about them. We don’t keep a word list so we can challenge our ability to verbalize things more accurately. We don’t spend time trying to memorize key Bible verses.

If you want to be an active participant in the design of your life, it’s important to keep learning things. Maybe you just need to challenge yourself to look into a topic you don’t know how much about, or adopt the attitude of a scientist and experiment more or investigate details on a subject you don’t know well. Maybe you could learn a new language.

The point is that you want to challenge your thinking skills and be willing to learn new things at every stage of life. God designed you with a capacity to be brilliant on a lot of subjects and He loves it when you take Him up on that challenge.

“I believe in Your commands; now teach me good judgement and knowledge.” - Psalm 119:66 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, help us be willing to investigate new things, to learn more about books or art, or your Word. Grant that our mind will always be open to things You want us to know. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible journaling

Worthy Woman July 14, 2022

“The quality of a person’s live is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor.” - Vincent T. Lombardi

You probably have people you admire. They may be people in the limelight in some way, faith leaders or celebrities. If you really think about it, what is it about them that catches your attention? What makes you want to emulate them in your own way?

One of the things that makes you a worthy and wonderful woman in the sight of God is that you don’t give up. You keep trying to improve yourself, trying to find ways to foster excellence. You’re committed to this goal and that makes a difference. Other people can see how hard you try, and your efforts make them proud of you and make hem want to try harder as well.

Whatever your goal is, whatever your focus is in your life right now, you’ll get there if you persist in the effort. You know the value of hard work and you’re not afraid of that. You know where you want to go so stand up and be counted among those to be admired in the world. You are a woman of worth!

“We encouraged you, we urged you, and we insisted that you live lives for God, who calls you to His glorious kingdom.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:12 NCV

Let us pray: Lord, we are making an effort to become more of what You designed us to be. We’re grateful that You think so highly of us, and that You are as proud of us as any Father could be. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Thinking Things Through July 7, 2022

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny!” -Anonymous

What do you listen to the most? Do you hear God’s voice as He seeks to guide your life, as you read His word, or sit with Him in prayer? Or do you let in the voices of the world until they become so loud that you are surrounded by chaos and noise?

The things you think about the most will be the things that drive you to take an action and it is your actions that need guidance every day. We seek God’s favor so that all we do will please Him and create opportunities for those around us to be blessed.

When your thoughts are out of line, that is, not in line with God’s intention for your life, you need to come back to Him and seek Him once again. Let His words come into your heart and mind and your actions will bring you the fruit of goodness and joy. Listen for His voice and look for the things that bring you to your knees in praise today.

“Lord, listen to my prayer; let my cry for help come to You. Do not hide from me in my time of trouble.” - Psalm 102:1-2 NCV

Let us pray: Lord, we hear the noise of the world way too much. Please help us be quiet enough to hear Your words of love and encouragement today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Happy Independence Day America!

Happy Independence Day, America!! Another hot summer day 91°!! Stop in to cool off and create your July 4th keepsake! Bring your favorite cold drink while you paint! Snacks and drinks are welcome! We are open until 5pm!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Mountains out of Mole Hills June 29, 2022

“Jealousy sees with opera glasses, making little things big; dwarfs are changed into giants and suspicions into truths.” - Cervantes

Envy is an odd thing. It may even surprise you when it comes swooping into your thoughts. You may think that you’re not really a jealous person, until your co-worker gets recognition for something you put twice the amount of work into, or your ideas get shared by your boss without any credit being given to you. It’s hard not to have moments of jealousy.

God knows you and what you’ve done and so the fact is, you already have great recognition for your efforts. Trying too hard to be sure the rest of the world gets how wonderful you are, might not serve you as well.

Look at the things that cause you monetary stirrings of jealousy and give them all to God. He delights in you and knows everything about you. He wants you to have total faith and confidence in the woman He designed you to be.

“I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone. For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.” - Psalm 73:2-3 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, help us to keep away from envious thoughts. We realize that we don’t always understand when things don’t appear fair in this life, but we know that You are the ultimate judge and You know what motivates our hearts. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

How Can You Help? June 23, 2022

“Therefore, sisters, if you wish to lay good foundations, each of you must try to be the least of all, and the slave of God, and must seek a way and means to please and serve all your companions.” —Teresa of Avila

Chances are when you read the story of Mary and Martha, you’re pretty much on Martha’s side. Martha was used to serving, but she didn’t always like the idea that the responsibility seemed to all be on her shoulders. Why could Mary just sit there at Jesus’ feet?

We have to take the time to sit at God’s feet and really get to know what He wants from us. We have to immerse ourselves in His stories and His Spirit so that when we serve others we don’t grow weary or bitter or angry. That’s what Martha was missing. She didn’t get a chance to sit quietly with her Savior and she was still hungry for Him.

You have that chance though. You can be of great service to those you love every time you take some time alone with the One who fills your soul to overflowing.

Listen O daughter, consider and incline your ear; forget your own people also, and your father’s house; so the King will greatly desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, worship Him.”— Psalm 45: 10-11

Let us pray: Lord, let us honor You with the works of our hands and with our hearts our whole life through. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

The Reason for Hope June 9, 2022

“God often gives in one brief moment that which He has for a long time denied.” —Thomas a Kempis

Have you ever set your heart on something that you thought was probably out of your reach, yet you couldn’t let go of the idea? You filed it away and pulled it out every now and then to see if it still made your heart sing and it did! In fact, the truth is, you kept the hope alive for a long time because God Himself put that hope within you. Only He knows the perfect timing for your hopes and dreams to come to fruition.

Hope is a beautiful thing when it causes us to have to wait, and even more so when the waiting is turned into deep longing. Hope keeps us seeking more for ourselves. It keeps us focused on something that is truly important to us. It gives us reason for sweet joy.

Today, review for a moment those things that you have hoped for in the past that have now come together. Look at the timing of those things and give God thanks and praise that he brought them to you at just the right moment.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” —Proverbs 13:12 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for knowing us so well and for giving us wonderful reasons to always have hope in You. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers that we have in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Smile! It is good for you! June 2, 2022

“A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” —Washington Irving

Have you ever sat by a fountain on a warm, sunny day? You listen to the water as it sends its refreshing and cooling spray of water all around you. You hear children laughing who try to put their hands in the spray, or see people enjoying a calm, quiet moment just for themselves.

Kindness is like that. Kindness is the thing that makes people smile because it often comes unexpectedly. It rushes from nowhere in the face of someone passing by, or in the brief words of encouragement from a total stranger. It stops you in your tracks as you seek to take it in and hold on to the moment. It’s your moment of sitting peacefully by the fountain.

May your kindness fall on others like a warming spray of joy, always bring a cooling sense of hope and peace and charity.

A kind woman gets respect.” — Proverbs 11:16

Let us pray: Lord, help us be ready at any moment to share a smile and a bit of kindness. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

bible journaling

What’s On Your T-shirt? May 26, 2022

“Remember your ultimate purpose, and when you set yourself to your day’s work or approach any activity in the world, let “Holiness to the Lord” be written upon your hearts in all that you do.” —Richard Baxter

Maybe you plan ahead about the clothes you’ll wear when you get up in the morning. You know what you have to do for the day and so you pick something to wear that is appropriate. Other times, you probably just get up and throw on the first pair of jeans and t-shirt you find in the closet. It doesn’t matter so much because you’re just doing errands today and cleaning the house.

What you wear might not matter so much to others. You probably have a bunch of t-shirts that display your favorite seasonal elements or your favorite brand logo. What you wear on the inside, though, makes a big difference to how your day will go. Remembering whose you are and intentionally designing your day to include the part of you that is “Holy to the Lord” can make a big difference. It might clothe you in wisdom and strength and the willingness to forgive. It might just be the most beautiful part of your wardrobe.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” —Matthew 5:8 NKJV

Let us pray: Lord, help us to wear our joy in You wherever we may be today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Watercolors 101

“When life gives you lemons…” you know…paint them with watercolors! What fun sessions I had with siblings and friends! Today's lesson we used the two techniques we learned in previous sessions and the lemons came out beautifully!! How sweet it is!!

Thanks for coming out to paint! It was great catching up with everyone!

Next month…animals!!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Terracotta pot paint night!

What a fun couple of hours painting these terracotta pots! Abstract painting always starts out slow and a bit confusing painting “back to front", but when all is done, they came out so cute!! We had a little bit of boho & a little bit of Matisse inspired painting going on!

Thanks for coming out to paint ladies!! I love them all!❤

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Clay Learnshop: garden markers

***Last call*** it’s not too late to sign up for tomorrow night's clay learnshop! Just give us a call before noon, and we'll get your clay ready for you! 304.422.8777

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Happy happy mother’s day!

Good morning Creative Community!! Remember to celebrate your Mothers today!! They are the creative minds behind your world! Happy Mother’s Day to you all who are mothers, keep up the great work! YOU are doing fantastic!!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Feel the Fourth! 2 more days!

All Star Wars bisque are now on sale for 10% off through Saturday, May 7th until 5pm!! Stop by and paint your favorite character or stock up now for gifts for future occasions!! Limited to stock on hand!!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

bible journaling

The Charity Choice May 5, 2022

“Who shuts his hand has lost his gold, who opens it, has it twice told.” —George Herbert

There are so many charitable organziations vying for your donations of goods and time and materials, you may feel overwhelmed. In fact, you may almost feel like not giving to any of them, because everyone seems to beg for help and you can’t always take care of yourself and your own family.

God’s intention for us is not to deprive our own families of basic needs so that we can look charitable to others. Our opportunity is always to open our hearts and our hands to those in need in ways we can. After all, if God loves a cheerful giver, then it means He didn’t have to pry our fingers open to get the donation out of your hands.

Giving is always a choice and charity is a beautiful thing. We each have to choose which organizations we feel can most benefit from our help. In any case, you hold the gold… the chance to pray for the connection between God and His people in need. In that way, you can always be a “cheerful” giver.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, let us always have a humble heart and a desire to give to others any way that we can. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Closing early

Lots to celebrate this month for our Studio team members that are high school Seniors! We will be closing early on May 7th and May 21st to celebrate two milestones for them… Prom AND Graduation! Please make note! We thank you for your understanding!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Paint night! Red Umbrella

Abstract paint nights are always so fun, especially with these lovely ladies!! 3 colors and a few brushstrokes and wha-la!! Amazing canvases!! Thank you ladies for a fun night of painting!! So good to see you all!! Hugs!❤

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

WISDOM OF LIFE April 21, 2022

“Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity; associate in Christian Community; obey the laws; trust in Providence.” —St. Augustine

This advice from St. Augustine may not resonate with the culture we live in today. After all, we’re more about “getting” more things, rather than “reducing” our wants. We’re more about ordering our finances and making sure we have big retirement nest eggs, than we are about ordering our soul.

Setting a priority to trust in Providence though could turn your life around in the way that you discover more of what it means to live in charity and reduce your wants. It might just cause you to desire to be even more of a giver than you are now. When we associate in Christian community, it means we seek to put Jesus at the center of all that we do as we relate to those around us. It means that we want to shine as givers and that we rely on God’s grace and goodness.

What would it mean to you today, to just take this day and focus on getting your life in order, starting with your soul? God is with you.

“He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” —Psalm 107:9

Let us pray: Lord, … let us truly take the time to breathe in Your love and direction and nurture our souls today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers that we have in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Teens/adults wheel Try-It learnshop

What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon together! Kaia and Austin were brand spanking new to the pottery wheel and have always wanted to try it! And look how awesome they did!! And more importantly, they did it together!! Lots of laughter and fun was had! Great job, you two!!

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Teens/Adults Series learnshop

Did you know we offer a pottery wheel series learnshop? Well, we do! Just like our latest new young and inspiring potter pictured!! She was a natural! She learned how to center in no time, had fun trimming her pots and enjoyed choosing how to glaze them! Cheers to our young potter!! Great job!!

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