Bible Journaling
Designing Your Life July 21, 2022
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” - Henry Ford
Sometimes we get in the habit of simply continuing on our way without thinking that it is good to discover something new. We don’t engage people in conversation so we can learn more about them. We don’t keep a word list so we can challenge our ability to verbalize things more accurately. We don’t spend time trying to memorize key Bible verses.
If you want to be an active participant in the design of your life, it’s important to keep learning things. Maybe you just need to challenge yourself to look into a topic you don’t know how much about, or adopt the attitude of a scientist and experiment more or investigate details on a subject you don’t know well. Maybe you could learn a new language.
The point is that you want to challenge your thinking skills and be willing to learn new things at every stage of life. God designed you with a capacity to be brilliant on a lot of subjects and He loves it when you take Him up on that challenge.
“I believe in Your commands; now teach me good judgement and knowledge.” - Psalm 119:66 NLT
Let us pray: Lord, help us be willing to investigate new things, to learn more about books or art, or your Word. Grant that our mind will always be open to things You want us to know. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers