MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Jouraling 1.15.24

Wise Women Have “Uncommon” Sense January 15th, 2024

“Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you ever feel like the common sense has simply gone out the window? Somehow, our culture has become so programmed to rely on computers and calculators and tables that we have forgotten how to put two and two together for ourselves. We’ve lost the ability to make common sense decisions and we are perplexed about how it all happened.

Folk wisdom provides us with wonderful “old wives’ tales” and many of those sage bits of advice were born out of common sense. They were the little things that helped our grandmothers and great-grandmothers stay content. As women who want to be worthy in the sight of God, we want to be wise, and more than that, we want Him to know what we approach life with the common sense. He built into us. The more you operate with “uncommon sense,” the more God can guide you into great wisdom. It’s okay to add things up for yourself.

“Treat wisdom as a sister, and make understanding your closest friend.” - Proverbs 7:4 NCV

Let us pray: Lord, grant us the wisdom to use our own good sense in the things we do and say. Help us to trust ourselves to make good decisions because we have put all our choices in Your hands. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling 1.8.24

It’s Going to be Worth the Wait! January 8th, 2024

“Let us step into the darkness and reach out for the hand of God. The path of faith and darkness is so much safer than the one we would have chose by sight.” - George MacDonald

Most of us would have to admit that waiting is not our strongest suit. We don’t like waiting in traffic or waiting for a job promotion or even waiting for payday. We like things to happen when we want them. Sometimes we’re waiting in the dark, wondering about the medical test results or wondering if the bank will approve our loan. Waiting fills us with anxiety.

What about waiting for God? If we’re truly walking in the darkness, there can be no better place to wait than in the Presence of God. He offers the only true light for the world. He offers the promise that He is with us always, no matter where we are, whether we’re walking, running, or patiently waiting. If we wait on God’s perfect timing, we can see His hand at wor and we can see that the outcome was well worth the wait.

The One who holds you up in such high esteem sees you and is doing everything possible to assist your needs right now. Trust in Him and wait with confidence.

“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” - Lamentations 3:25-26 NKJV

Let us pray: Dear lord, we are not very good at patiently waiting. Please draw near to us today and help us trust totally in You. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

You Have Great Impact December 18th, 2023

“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in your room.” - Anita Roddick

Mosquitos are insistent. They are heat-seeking missiles that find a way to buzz around your head any time you give them a chance. Unless you actually send them to the Promised Land, they don’t seem to quit. They have a definite impact!

Sometimes as women, we tend to think that if we’re not in charge of a meeting, or organizing a group, then our work is not important. We have devalued ourselves because we’re playing a game of comparisons. After all, life is a competition.

Think about it. Think about the things you have done for others that might seem small, but had a big impact. Maybe it was the time you picked up your friend’s child at school when she just couldn’t get there in time. What about the way you prayed for your neighbor when she was having a family crisis? These are all small things, but they are great in God’s kingdom. These are the things that show Him your generous heart and loving spirit. These are the things that matter.

“The Lord’s eyes see everything; He watched both evil and good people.” - Proverbs 15:3 NCV

Let us pray: Lord, we know how much it means to us when someone helps us at a moment's notice. Help us be willing to give what we can in service to those around us today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

The Risk Takers December 11, 2023

“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to own one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk - and to act.” - Maxwell Maltz

Have you noticed that life is a risky business? Most of the things you’ve ever done or ever will do require a bit of a gamble. You have to set a course and then risk the outcome. You change your hair color and take a chance that others will like what you’ve done, or even that you’ll like what you’ve done. You move to a new city and hope that you’ll settle in confidently, that you’ll favorite restaurants, the right church and make good friends.

Risk! It’s simply part of living. The one absolute, the one unchanging, never-ending, no-holds-barred part of life is Jesus. You have no risk there… everything to win, nothing to lose.

It’s good to be a risk taker sometimes, though. Risk involves courage and thinking something through so you can obtain the best possible outcome. Risk involves letting yourself be vulnerable and exposing your dreams to others. God gave you the ability to dream and to act on those dreams. Take a risk today.

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1 NKJV

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for seeing we we need and helping to inspire my direction. Give us the courage to go after my dreams and be willing to take a positive risk for the right reasons. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

The Dance of Time December 4, 2023

“When as a child, I laughed and wept, Time crept. When, as a youth, I dreamed and talked, Time walked. When I became a full-grown woman, Time ran. And later, as I older grew, Time flew. Soon I shall find, while traveling on, Time gone. Will Christ have saved my soul by then?” - Chester Cathedral Inscription

Time is your friend. That’s right. It is your companion and influences everything you do. you do a lot of things according to a schedule and you do your best to simply keep up.

Sometimes it seems to move slowly, while at other times you can’t understand where it went. You were sixteen and, without blinking it seems, you were thirty-six.

You are blessed! God has divine moments planned just for you and He knows the number of your days. He knows the lans He has for you to see that you live a fulfilling life.

The time is at hand for you to give God thanks and praise for your moments and your hours. He wants you to make the most of each minute you are given. It’s your day to create with Him!

“I know the plans I have for you.’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, help us to use our time wisely, to cherish the moments, and to do our best to live in the hope of it all You’ve planned for us. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Loving the Questions November 27, 2023

“Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not seek the answers that cannot be given you because you wouldn’t be able to live them.” - Anonymous

Women are good at asking questions. We want to know how things work, why they work, and who is responsible if they don’t work. We have inquiring minds and that’s a gift from God.

Sometimes the questions we have, especially those about our life purpose and direction, or those about unanswered prayers, can feel so important we grow restless waiting for the answers. We wait, but we don’t always wait patiently. We wait and we worry.

When worry enters in, then all we think about is the future. The future is just a few minutes past where we are now, but have not noticed where we are because we need answers.

Be intentional. Look at the questions you have for God and speak them, write them or pray them aloud. Explain your desire for closure or for answers. Then stop everything, surrender the questions at the cross and give God a chance to answer.

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Let us pray: Father, thank You for hearing our prayers and for letting us ask questions. Help us to rely on You for the answers and to be at peace in the process. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Removing Mountains November 20, 2023

“We can do nothing without prayer. All things can be done by importunate prayer. It surmounts or removes all obstacles, overcomes every resisting force and gains its ends in the face of invincible hindrances.” - E.M. Bounds

Do you have any mountains looming in your path that you simply wish would get up and go somewhere else? Can you actually imagine those mountains moving at your request?

Though we may not imagine an actual mountain moving to get out of our way, we can understand that with faith, the mountains in our lives can literally be turned to little hills. We have a connection to the Source of all living things and when we seek His help in overcoming obstacles, He moves toward us and clears the way.

Today, we may have to rest patiently in His care. You many need to be more diligent in His help. He is there even to remove mountains. Don’t let mountains of doubt or fear, or any other obstacle, stand in your way.

“Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:19-20 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for hearing us when we call, sometimes with great uncertainty about what lies ahead. Please go before us and remove the mountains in Your grace and mercy. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

The Energy Booster November 13, 2023

“Only love enables humanity to grow, because love engenders life and it is the only form of energy that lasts forever.” - Michel Quoist

Love surrounds you and love helps you grow. Being loved is the one thing that makes life sustainable no matter what else is going on. When your finances are rocky and you wonder if you can make ends meet, knowing that you’re connected to a community of people who believe in you and love you makes all the difference in getting through your struggles.

When your marriage falls apart and you think love has deserted you, you discover that others step up to the plate and help you get through the pain. They inspire your hopes and dreams for a better future. That’s love.

When you feel like you’ve messed up in a big way, perhaps so big that you wonder if even God can still care about you, you quickly learn that He is still there, ready to guide you and lead you in a better direction. That’s love.

Today, let the love be enough. Let love keep your heart smiling.

“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the low.” - Romans 13:8 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for Your love and for giving us so many people in our lives who care about what happens to us. Thank You for showing us what it means to love. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Resting in the Creator November 6, 2023

“You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless, until they rest in You.” - St. Augustine

You know what it’s like to have a restless spirit. You can’t sleep very well. You can’t sleep very well. You can’t focus on your work. You can’t really understand what is happening around you because everything seems blurry and insignificant.

Sometimes life causes your spirit to be vexed, overwhelmed or simply saturated with too many bills, too many worries and too many obligations. When that happens, you may have only one choice: You have to create a space for yourself, a space where you can catch your breath and inhale the sweet peace of God.

Be aware, though, that sometimes God fosters your restlessness, orchestrates those things that keep you wound up so that He can beckon you to His side. He knows that you might not create an intention to talk with Him on your own, and so He guides you back to Himself, back to a place that will free your spirit and give you peace.

Take yourself into His presence today and rest there. Surrender your worries to Him and find peace.

“I will always trust in God’s unfailing love.” - Psalm 52:8 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, You are our contentment. You are our spirit of peace and joy. Please be with us today and bless our work and our life. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

God’s Work in Us October 30, 2023

“Faith in God’s work in us, that changes us and gives new birth from God.” - Martin Luther

Do you remember sensing God’s presence in your life to such a degree that it literally changed you, guiding your thinking and your heart? It was like you were reborn and it was a glorious moment. You may still rejoice as you think about that realization as you took your first real steps in faith.

The good news is that God did not stop working in you after that first significant experience. He did not leave you to grow on your own. God has been changing you since the beginning, preparing your heart and mind for each new step, each new opportunity to build your faith. He loves to see you take a leap of faith and realize that He has been there all along and that you could always count on Him. He loves for you to know that He is with you always.

When you live in the present and allow God’s Spirit to work through you and in you, then you cannot help but help to do good for others. You have such a great desire for the people around you to know God as you do, that even without great effort you share His blessings. Your faith is a powerful thing because you stay plugged in to the Source of all things. Live in that faith today!

“Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” - Hebrews 11:6 NKJV

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for loving us so much that You stick close to us no matter where we are. Help us to stay headfast in our love and in faithfulness to You. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Become More Worthy October 23, 2023

“It is still one of the tragedies of human history that the “children of darkness” are frequently more determined and zealous than the “children of light.” - Martin Luther King

Striving to become something more than you are now takes work. You have to be steadfast in your effort in order to see results. If you’re trying to get in a regular exercise routine, you start with a twenty-minute workout, move to thirty and keep going until you can do an hour with relative ease. You know the outcome you want and you go after it.

We aspire to have the same resolve when it comes to improving our spirits, trying to become more enlightened or more perceptive to the things of God. We might start with twenty minutes of Bible reading and prayer, move to thirty, and then an hour. We do it because we know that the battle rages in the world between those who bear the light and those who would keep themselves and others in darkness. We know that we need to be strong if we’re going to make a difference and encourage the light for all to see.

“I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.” - Revelation 3:19 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, forgive us when we don’t do the things we know would give me more opportunity to grow as a child of light. Help us desire to do so and to follow through for the sake of those you might need us. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

The Test of Beauty October 9, 2023

“Characteristics that define beauty are wholeness, harmony and radiance.” - Thomas Aquinas

You know what happens to your face when life gets out of balance. You start to see those worry lines that form around your mouth more clearly. You don’t feel good about anything you wear and you’re just not able to have a “good hair day”. Nothing seems to come together. You may even find that you’re short tempered or mood and that the people around you move out of your way. Your life is out of rhythm and you have no sense of harmony and peace. Your mind is crowded with worry; nothing feels just right and your beauty fades.

When you sense those things happening, it’s time for a new beauty routine. That routine starts by admitting that you are not at peace with yourself and your situation. That routine requires that you ask God to restore you to wholeness and radiance according to His plan and purpose for your life, When you do, you’ll feel beautiful again, maybe not immediately, but soon.

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” - Proverbs 15:13 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, we haven’t been ourself lately and we need You to help us get back on track. Help us to find the peace and harmony that Your Spirit brings. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Pumpkin-Patch Dreams October 2, 2023

“The mundane tasks of everyday life can lull you to apathy and push God to the back of your mind. Refuse to become self-sufficient in life. You need God every day, whether you’re facing a storm or not.” - Paul Chappell

Excitement reigns when you are beginning something that brings joy to your heart. You anticipate getting that much closer to fulfilling your dreams. However, if the task you have to begin is the one of cleaning out the attic or sorting through boxes in the basement, it’s less thrilling.

One good thing is to find the joy you might derive from the activity. Maybe it’s simply that you would be able to cross that item off your to-do list, The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll see the beauty of your accomplishment. Maybe you’ll run across a sweet memory packed in a box in the attic. Maybe you’ll discover you don’t owe as much as you thought on your taxes You won’t really know until you tackle the job.

In everyday things and in big things, like the dreams you carry in your heart, you have on choice: begin! Get started! When you do, you’ll find reasons to smile.

“Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.” - James 3:5 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, whether our dreams sit out there like pumpkins in the patch, or our work feels full of weeds, we know we have to get things moving if we want them to be completed. Help us to do what must be done with joy today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Talking to God September 25, 2023

“Pray and let God worry.” - Martin Luther

You may have heard the adage that it’s a good idea not to “borrow trouble”. Worry is a form of borrowing trouble because we make up a story in our heads that something is wrong, or we need to worry about them. Given the chance, we can find a basketful of things to worry about every hour of our lives.

God doesn’t want you to lug around your basket of worries. He doesn’t want you to spend your waking hours wondering what else you might have done, or how you could have changed things so that there would be a different result. He doesn’t want you to blame yourself for each thing that doesn’t go quite right.

The thing God wants is your trust and your faith, and your understanding that He will never leave you. He knows what you need before you even ask. He knows the things that weigh you down and make you week.

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Balance Beams September 18, 2023

“The two hardest things to handle in life are failure and success.” - Anonymous

Have you ever watched a skillful gymnast on a balance beam? She might appear to leap across the beam without any awareness that it is just a five-inch wide piece of wood beneath her feet. She flips and turns with ease and everything looks flawless, until one misstep happens, one tiny bit of weight on the foot becomes too much and she sways, trying not to fall.

Success and failure are part of the balance beam we each tread and sometimes we enjoy a fabulous recovery and go for gold. At other times something we never even anticipated trips us up and we begin to fall. We know that God’s scales are a bit more heavenly than a balance beam. He gives us a wide berth to explore, to stumble, to change direction and still come out a winner.

Most of the time, He’s interested in our walk, how we get from one place to another. He already knows the final destination greets us with victory, so success is assured and failure only momentary. Try to balance your life so that your walk is steady and strong each day.

“Hold on to what is good.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:21 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, thank You for keeping us balanced. We know we get off the track pretty easily and so we ask You to hold us up when we’re taking a risk. Be with us in all we do today. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Neither Lonely nor Alone August 28, 2023

“Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has create the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.” - Paul Tillich

Being alone means you can take the time to read a book, get your nails done or simply think your own thoughts without interruption. It leaves you feeling refreshed and renewed.

When you’re alone too long, though, aloneness turns into loneliness. Loneliness is not so much fun. It’s the thing that caused you to be drawn into yourself, doing your best to protect yourself, whether you’re alone in your room or walking down a busy city street. When you disconnect from others, you feel really alone. Human beings were made for community and fellowship and too much time alone can bring pain.

When you feel lonely, remember that God cares about you and He is truly near. In fact, He’s a mere prayer away. Seek His help and His comfort when being alone becomes the pain of loneliness. God does not want you to be lonely or alone. He is always with you.

“The law never made anything perfect. But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.” - Hebrews 7:19 NLT

Let us pray: Lord, we do not pass through phases of loneliness. We’re always busy, always in the midst of others, but somehow my heart feels alone. Please guide us into true fellowship with those around me. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Seek to Know More of God August 21, 2023

“The main thing in this world is not being sure what God’s will is, but seeking it sincerely, and following what we do understand of it. The only possible answer to the destiny of men is to seek without respite to fulfill God’s purpose.” - Paul Tournier

It may sound somewhat old-fashioned or even clichéd to imagine that you may really strive to seek God’s will and purpose. At least, it sounds like “church-speak”.

It’s time to re-set your intention. As you get to know more of what God wants for you, you’ll be impressed by how big His plans really are and how wide His opportunities for you to succeed can stretch. He has a net that is so big, even you cannot fulfill all the things He would choose for you in a lifetime.

Your destiny is framed by choices and the ones you make with greater understanding of God’s will and purpose will be the ones that change the world. God loves you, but His mission for you is life changing and He’s anxious to help you define your purpose. Seek Him first.

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.” - John 15:16 NKJV

Let us pray: Lord, we know that we often wonder about Your purpose for us, but we’re not always sure how to figure out if I’m on the right track. Help us to discover the truth of our lives through you. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Being Present August 14, 2023

“Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.” - Anonymous

This it it! Today! This is the moment, the twenty-four hours, the bit of time and space you have to call your own and it’s all you have! Only fading memories take you back to yesterday, and only hopes and dreams can carry you into tomorrow.

Your choice, then, is to give this moment everything you’ve got. You have to be intentional about all you do today. Live it with all the grace and mercy and brilliance that you can muster, because only this moment exists. Invite God into your day as you rise with the sun. Let Him rejoice with you. Allow Him to share an awareness that you need to be strong, or bring a little light to guide you, or a soft word to warm your heart.

Be present in this moment and it will fade into something beautiful, something with no sorrow or regret, but a moment well-lived.

“God can see what is in people’s hearts. And He knows what is in the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit speaks to God for His people. We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him.” - Romans 8:27-28 NCV

Let us pray: Lord, we are guilty of trying too hard to figure out the future and therefore miss what is happening right now. Please be with us today and help us stay grounded in every moment. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

Home Is Where Your Heart Is August 7, 2023

“Make two homes for yourself, my daughter. One actual home and another spiritual home which you carry with you always.” - Catherine of Siena

Most of us treasure thoughts of home because it is one place where we feel safe and free to be ourselves on every level. It’s the place where we can express our joys and sorrows and the place where we receive and give love to others. In fact, if we’re very fortunate, we spend a lot of time making sure that our homes are pleasant and nurturing places.

That same sense of love and peace that you feel when you think of your home is the same feeling God wants you to have as you picture your spiritual home. Your spiritual home is also a place where you are safe to be exactly who you are, in fact it is the place where your truth can be shared and it’s a place you share with your friends of faith here on earth. You can express your heart and your feelings and your love in that home at any time at all. If home is where your heart is, then your spiritual home captures your heart as well.

“A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” - John 4:23 NIV

Let us pray: Lord, we guess it’s true that there’s no place like home, and as much as we love our homes and our families here on earth, we cherish the idea of knowing that we already have a good home there with You too. Thank You for taking such good care of us. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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MJ Ayson-Lemon MJ Ayson-Lemon

Bible Journaling

On the Tip of Your Tongue July 31, 2023

“Wisdom is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech.” - Anonymous

It’s good to stand up for what you believe in and to speak truth as you feel guided to do so. It’s good to share your faith with others and to do your best to live in a way that pleases God. It’s also good to know when to hold your tongue, even if you’re right.

Sometimes you can be on the right track, but not be at the right time and so signals get crossed and people are hurt. Like a runaway freight train, your words can cause a lot of damage.

One of the gifts of God is His timing. He knows the perfect time for you to share your heart with someone else, even to share His love with someone else. He knows when the other person will be ready to hear and when you’ll be able to speak with a loving spirit.

Pray for wisdom when something is on the tip of your tongue and be sure that the timing is right for you to share your heart and mind.

“Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.” - Psalm 34:13 NKJV

Let us pray: Lord, help us remember that things have to be said and done according to Your plans for each of us. Help me to stay quiet when it’s not the right time for me to speak up. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers

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