bible journaling
The Charity Choice May 5, 2022
“Who shuts his hand has lost his gold, who opens it, has it twice told.” —George Herbert
There are so many charitable organziations vying for your donations of goods and time and materials, you may feel overwhelmed. In fact, you may almost feel like not giving to any of them, because everyone seems to beg for help and you can’t always take care of yourself and your own family.
God’s intention for us is not to deprive our own families of basic needs so that we can look charitable to others. Our opportunity is always to open our hearts and our hands to those in need in ways we can. After all, if God loves a cheerful giver, then it means He didn’t have to pry our fingers open to get the donation out of your hands.
Giving is always a choice and charity is a beautiful thing. We each have to choose which organizations we feel can most benefit from our help. In any case, you hold the gold… the chance to pray for the connection between God and His people in need. In that way, you can always be a “cheerful” giver.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” — 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV
Let us pray: Lord, let us always have a humble heart and a desire to give to others any way that we can. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers