Bible Journaling
God’s Work in Us October 30, 2023
“Faith in God’s work in us, that changes us and gives new birth from God.” - Martin Luther
Do you remember sensing God’s presence in your life to such a degree that it literally changed you, guiding your thinking and your heart? It was like you were reborn and it was a glorious moment. You may still rejoice as you think about that realization as you took your first real steps in faith.
The good news is that God did not stop working in you after that first significant experience. He did not leave you to grow on your own. God has been changing you since the beginning, preparing your heart and mind for each new step, each new opportunity to build your faith. He loves to see you take a leap of faith and realize that He has been there all along and that you could always count on Him. He loves for you to know that He is with you always.
When you live in the present and allow God’s Spirit to work through you and in you, then you cannot help but help to do good for others. You have such a great desire for the people around you to know God as you do, that even without great effort you share His blessings. Your faith is a powerful thing because you stay plugged in to the Source of all things. Live in that faith today!
“Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” - Hebrews 11:6 NKJV
Let us pray: Lord, thank You for loving us so much that You stick close to us no matter where we are. Help us to stay headfast in our love and in faithfulness to You. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from today, from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers in our hearts.. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers