April's Bible Journaling
It’s Worth the Effort! April 7, 2022
“The greatest works are done by the ones. The hundreds do not often do much- the companies never; it is the units-the single individuals, that are the power and the might. Individual efforts is, after all, the grand thing.” —Charles H. Surgeon
Some days you wonder why you even try! Why do you try to become a better person, a more holy person, a more deeply committed follower of Christ? After all, it doesn’t appear that most of the world is working that hard at becoming better, so why should you be the only one who tries so hard?
If you ever think like this, STOP! Stop and look at what you have and what is available to you because you are a child of God, beloved and beautiful. You have a place to go with every trouble you might encounter. You have others who believe in a similar way who offer you encouragement and support. You have more joy in knowing who holds the future and more joy in knowing that you are a very special part of that future.
God thought you were worth the effort when He sent His Son to die just for you. Every day, in some small way, share your gratitude with Him and keep making the effort to be wholly His.
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.” —Luke 10:27
Let us pray: Lord, we know You’re worth the effort and that there is a lot for us to learn. Help us to become the people You know we can be. Father God, hear our prayers of intentions from our prayer wall and for any unmentioned prayers. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
(Today’s devotional comes from”You are Blessed: 366 Devotions written by Karen Moore) Published by Christian Art Publishers